Cleaning event made for the day after Kaljakellunta

The biggst problem with Kaljakellunta has been the mess it leaves behind throughout it’s 20 year history. It’s particularly annoying to the residents who live along the route, as they find their local area turned into a dumster after the event. Luckily this year there is a volountary cleaning event organised for the day after, that can be found here.

Please keep in mind though, that the most important thing is preventing the mess from happening in the first place. Remember to take a bin bag with you to put your own trash in, that you can throw into the dumster at the end of the route. Imagine, if everyone would just collect their own junk we wouldn’t need this event in the first place! So please do keep the event clean.



German beer-floaters wanted for TV!

A German TV-channel is looking for protagonists to participate in a TV-program. Details below:
Kaljakellunta goes German TV
Protagonists wanted!
You’re a Finn or a clique of Finns and Kaljakellunta every year is a fixed date for you? For more fun you’re building your own crazy ship and even it’s transport is a challenge? Or you’re a member of the first hour? Get in touch with us! For a TV Report on german television we are looking for protagonists to accompany with our camera.
You’re interested or want more information?
Please contact me: [email protected]
Best regards,

Kaljakellunta bei ProSieben Taff
Protagonisten gesucht!
Ihr seid zu zweit oder eine ganze Truppe und wollt am Kaljakellunta 2017 teilnehmen und Spaß haben? Dann meldet Euch bei uns! Für einen TV-Beitrag bei ProSieben Taff suchen wir Deutsche, die als Touristen am Kaljakellunta 2017 teilnehmen und sich dabei von uns mit der Kamera begleiten lassen.
Habt ihr Interesse oder wollt mehr erfahren?
Dann meldet Euch einfach unverbindlich unter: [email protected]
Viele Grüße,