Kaljakellunta Tampere 2015

Date: 18/07/2015

This year a Kaljakellunta is also organised in Hervanta in Tampere, on the third Saturday of July. There are already over 2000 members confirmed for the event!

Kaljakellunta Hervanta 2015 Event of Facebook




Starting point: Beach of Suolijärvi

Quoting from the Facebook event: “Kaljakellunta [of Tampere] has no official organiser or floating route, so we shall be just floating across Suolijärvi whilst drinking beer.”


Boats and Accessories for Kaljakellunta

Have you purchased a boat yet for Kaljakellunta 2015? Check out our new Boats & Accessories page, with reviews and options to purchase boats ranging from the cheapest inflatable dinghies to floating party islands, as well as various essential accessories and gadgets!


Floating route: Around Suolijärvi

[display_map address1=" Suolijärvenkatu, 33720 Tampere, Finland | infowindow message | draggable | clickable | marker group id"]